
Many community associations have opted to provide their membership with the benefit of a Social Committee.  The definition of “community” includes: a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common and a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals. A social committee can help bring these attributes to your community association.

A social committee can help organize events for your membership to bring them together for a day or night of fun filled activities.  Some of these events may include:

  • Halloween Parade for the community’s children
  • Casino Night
  • Pool Party
  • Ice Cream Social
  • Movie Night

Many of these events can be free of charge to the members and financed through the association’s budget, while others charge a fee to the attendees.  Many times, once the Social Committee is initially set up it may remain as a self-sustained committee by collecting fees that help finance future events.

Whether you charter buses to bring your members to the casino or you have the local fire department lead the parade of children dressed in their Halloween costumes, a Social Committee is an essential part in creating harmony and community in your community association.